This workshop has passed and bookings are now closed. It was one of the best ever! If you’d like to go on the waiting list for future workshops please email us.
Simplexity: definition: The act of establishing a simple interface for something that is complex.
Class Schedule
- 10 – 4, Sunday 26 March 2023
What You Will Learn
- Demonstrations of Steve’s unique methods of making direct from wheel to the kiln, raw glazing and single firing with wood
- Considerations and discussions about material-led innovation, creativity and inventiveness
- Thoughts from and insights into the life of a maker
What You Get
- Rich discussion, new knowledge and insight into Steve Williams’ unique techniques and methods designed to “cut out the crap” and work directly from wheel to kiln. (The chef’s equivalent is “from Paddock to Plate”) Steve Williams is renowned for his innovative and direct approach to ceramic materials and techniques but don’t be deceived! His approach may look simple but it is full of mindful considerations backed by a desire to let complex materials speak volumes. Steve works thoughtfully, creatively, intuitively and with powerful and rare innovations that are born from years of experience and respect for his materials. He is a positive, considerate communicator full of surprises and insights which will delight students at any level.
Pre requisites
This course is suitable for anyone interested in learning how an experienced maker breaks free from expectations! It will ideally suit intermediate-advanced students however anyone with a passion for clay whether as a collector or a maker, will be very welcome.
Some understanding of clay, ceramic materials and firing atmospheres will be advantageous but not mandatory. For example, the difference between reduction and oxidation atmospheres; the practical differences between earthenware, stoneware, mid fire and porcelain clays; and different ways of measuring temperature in cones and pyrometers will be helpful but not mandatory.
This one-day course is suitable for anyone with a passion for innovative hand made ceramics and particularly those interested in renowned ceramic artist Steve Williams’ unique work. It will consist of a rich mix of presentations, demonstrations and discussions.
The content will also address firing options and kiln styles, helping to introduce and de-mystify what happens in the kiln.
Price: Full Price: $245, Concession (FT Student/Unemployed) $215, current enrolled SCC students: $215 (50% deposit to book, balance due 3 weeks before start date)
About: Steve Williams is a ceramic artist with qualifications as a ceramic designer and educator. He lives on a hill in the rural area of Mid-Coast NSW. Steve has participated in many invitational exhibitions and awards nationally and internationally and is renowned for his direct and inventive approach to ceramic techniques and his use of wood-firing. He is an experienced and capable educator and will provide inspiration to all who attend this special workshop.
‘Most of my work is shaped on the kick wheel, a tool that demands slower intuitive actions. For a good number of years I have developed techniques that allow me to complete forms in one sitting … no turning, trimming or finishing, shaping and manipulating the clay in its soft plastic state.
The use of local clays, rocks and timbers translates into works with a raw Australian character, with the fired surfaces mirroring the colours and textures of the of the surrounding bush. Wood ash from each 50 hr firing becomes the main glaze material for the next cycle.’ (Steve Williams)
This is sure to be a workshop not to be missed! Places are strictly limited.
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