Due to demand: NEW DATE OPEN NOW: 11-13 July, 9.30-12.30pm
Want some cool fun for your children these holidays? Claymation: Living Clay at Slow Clay Centre in Collingwood is the place to come! This holiday course is run over three consecutive mornings, 4-6 July 2017, (and a NEW date 11-13 July!) 9.30am – 12.30pm. Children receive tuition and guidance in all aspects of Claymation including making characters and objects, in order to animate them into a short film in an atmosphere of fun and exploration.
Visiting Canadian filmmaker, Daniel Sterlin-Altman (BFA Film Animation, Concordia, Montreal) will provide expert tuition is all aspects of making a short animation film from making the characters/ojects to be animated to technological considerations of filming. Daniel has won Best Academic Film award in the Montreal Stop Motion Festival 2016 and the Prix du Public award for best short film in the LGBT Film Festival, Canada, 2016, and shown his films in over 12 film festivals world-wide including Anima, Brussels and Krok Animation, Russia. We are thrilled to welcome Daniel to Slow Clay Centre and excited about this course which is a wonderful combination providing both tactile and technological experiences for young people.
Slow Clay Centre teachers are mindful that childrenʼs time is often filled with pressure at school that demands outcomes. Our children’s courses are carefully designed to provide a fun, relaxed environment whilst challenging and engaging young people in new activities that do not necessarily have prescribed outcomes. Exploratory in nature, our courses provide some unique experiences of working with clay. With this plastic, responsive material that can be manipulated in many varying, exciting and very personal ways, we prefer to focus on enjoyment of the material with a view to developing life-long learning.
Age: 9-14 years
Claymation: Living Clay will run for 3 x morning sessions, 9.30am – 12.30.