We have taken delivery of our crazy-wonderful new turning tools and they are available for sale! Made locally in Melbourne’s 6th lockdown to our own design, it is such a blast to finally be able to offer these beautiful and functional tools for sale.
If you have ever attended wheel classes at Slow Clay Centre you would have been taught trimming/turning using this particular style of tool because they can do so much! One tool contains 8 different blades: a large and a small end (for large and small pots!) and each end has a flat blade, a curved corner, a right angle corner and a vertical blade.
The back story is that these tools are closely modelled on Jane Sawyer’s Japanese teacher’s tools. Jane trained as a production potter first with Andrew Halford in Australia and then with with Shussai-Gama, a traditional Japanese pottery. Slow Clay Centre wheel students are taught to turn using the tools and techniques Jane learnt and she has been making the tools herself for her students (and not keeping up!) whilst all the time searching for someone who could produce them consistently and accurately. Finally that day has come!
If you purchase one of our turning tools they should last you about, oh, say, 20-30 years if you treat them well! See the videos below about how to use them, care for them and particularly how to sharpen them which ensures a crazy good cut every time!
$38 plus postage. Go to the shop and order here or send us a message via info@slowclay.com or ring 03.99437844 to pay and we’ll send you one! Wholesale enquiries welcome!